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Throughout the game, players strategize, maneuver, and engage in dynamic battles while considering ship abilities, upgrades, and positioning. The sequence of phases repeats until a victor emerges, creating an engaging and immersive tabletop experience in the Star Wars universe.

To visit the X-Wing website and read the instructions

X-wing Minture game
fleet set up with TGMK logo.jpg

Playing the X-Wing Miniatures Game involves several steps that take you through the exciting process of commanding starfighters in thrilling space battles. Here's a concise overview of the gameplay steps:


1. Set Up:

  • Choose your factions: Decide whether you'll command Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Scum and Villainy, or other factions.

  • Build your squad: Construct a squadron by selecting ships, pilots, upgrades, and assigning points based on the format you're playing.

2. Initial Placement:

  • Place obstacles: Set up obstacles (asteroids or debris) on the play area according to the rules.

  • Place ships: Place your ships within a designated area of the play area, adhering to deployment rules.

3. Activation Phase:

  • Determine initiative: Players roll dice or use predefined values to establish who has initiative for the round.

  • Reveal dial: Simultaneously reveal the maneuver dials for all ships, indicating their planned movements for the round.

  • Execute maneuvers: Move ships in ascending initiative order, using movement templates to determine their paths.

Tie fighter buring with TGMK logo.jpg

4. Action Phase:

  • Perform actions: In descending initiative order, each ship can perform actions listed on its ship card, such as focusing, target locking, or boosting.

5. Attack Phase:

  • Declare targets: Starting with the ship with initiative, players choose targets and declare attacks.

  • Roll attack dice: Roll a number of attack dice based on the ship's primary weapon value and any modifiers.

  • Modify dice results: Spend focus tokens, use pilot abilities, or upgrades to modify dice results.

  • Defend: The defending player rolls defense dice based on their ship's agility and any modifiers.

  • Modify defense results: Spend evade tokens or use pilot abilities to modify defense dice results.

  • Compare results: Compare attack dice results to defense dice results to determine hits, critical hits, and evades.

  • Apply damage: Apply hits and critical hits to the defender's hull, drawing damage cards for critical hits.

6. End Phase:

  • Check pilot stress: Remove stress tokens from stressed ships.

  • Remove expired tokens: Clear any tokens that expire at the end of the round.

  • Check conditions: Resolve any end-of-round conditions or effects.

7. Next Round:

  • Repeat steps: The game proceeds to the next round, starting with the activation phase.

8. Winning the Game:

  • The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds or until one player's ships are all destroyed.

  • The player with surviving ships or the most points wins, based on the format being played.



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